Matchbox !!!!

Back again,

Time to get some of the older projects online. And the first one is the matchbox.
The Matchbox idea came from several tutorials on building 1 knob fuzzes. However for some strange reason I always looked further when I noticed the word Fuzz in a schematic for guitar pedals.
As I’m a big fan of metal in all its forms I never thought I would build a Fuzz. I only thought of high gain overdrives or distortions…  Several project down the road I updated my personal preferences and discovered that there can be some fun in Fuzzes. But.. This is not a fuzz, but I will make one more or less the same way as I did this one, but I think I make a small “project” board for the fuzz and ensure that the lot of the components are placed in sockets.
But this one.. My matchbox.. A small two knob overdrive.


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