Green Screaming Monster – prt 1

Hi all,

Guitar pedals… A hobby I started with some time ago. Just due to the sheer intrest of how things are working.
I was used to get my Line6 PodXT Live and just download presets and so on. Worked like a charm and as I’m a “bedroom” metal player it worked quite well. However at some point I wanted to learn more and got started with a delay pedal kit with my father in law. 
Now with a nice collection of parts and a bit more understanding in how it all works it was time to start making something nice. Something I could start with to build my DIY pedal board.
So… The green monster was born.

The goal is to make a TS808 clone in a tiny box with some additional extra’s
After some evenings wondering around on the internet looking for tips and tricks I created a list with possible mods and checked which ones would be really feasible to incorporate in the final design.

So the final decision was made.. A green box, 1590a sized, selectable clipping diodes for a bit more of a punch and a switch for switching between the TS808 and the TS9. 
I used the layout as found on Effects Layouts and got started.

Normally I start with the guts. However during the check if I actually got all the parts I found out that I did not had all the correct values of pot in small versions. So I ordered them and decided to continue with the actual enclosure first.

Check out in my next post to see how the enclosure was build.. (Update : I’ve added a small gallery)

Till next time


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